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Thursday, December 31, 2020

The + trending Happy new year 2021: Phrases to congratulate your friends and family

Happy New Year 2021: Phrase To Congratulate Your Family and Friends

ORn New Year is about to begin and the good wishes for relatives and loved ones cannot wait, the closing of one year and the opening of the other is a special reason to express and transmit peace and harmony on a very special date. 

That is why at MARCA Claro we present you some phrases to be able to congratulate family and friends for the beginning of 2021.

1. . In the New Year: Value what you have, overcome what hurts you, and fight for what you want.

3. Close your eyes think about everything that made you smile in the year that is ending and forget about the rest. May those smiles multiply by a thousand, Happy New Year 2021.

4. Happy New Year!

 5. I wish that the new year 2021 comes wrapped in paper of happiness for you. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

 6. For each day of the new year, a new desire to fight and strive for. Blessings on your new 2021 projects!

 7. For everyone who looks to the future with optimism, have a Happy New Year!

 8. I give you a box full of love, peace, and hope so that you will not miss any of this throughout the year.

9. Learn from yesterday, live for today, wait for tomorrow Happy 2021! 10.

 I wish you 12 months of prosperity, 52 weeks of joy, and 365 days of success.

11. Learn from yesterday, live for today, wait for tomorrow Happy 2021! 

12. A new year is the new beginning and a thousand moments to celebrate, that each noble dream of your heart is crystallized.

13. May this new year fill your home with joy and bring success, happiness, peace, and prosperity to all of you.

14. I wish you to be very happy this year that begins, so much so that you do not know if you live or dream.

15. Another year left and it was great to share it with you. Happy new year!

2021 new year wishes to send to the family these short phrases are perfect to wish our family members a happy new year, a message that can be sent by WhatsApp or also practice them and make a toast in the middle of dinner on New Year's Eve,

 they are phrases that show the love we feel for our relatives and that they are perfect for this special night."There is no better New Year than the one that is spent with the family because with you I have everything 

I need love, joy, and affection."Thank you for always being with me and for making me such a happy person. Happy New Year, family, I love you more than anything in life.

"Happy New Year, my precious family! I honestly do not know what my life would be without the love and company that they never hesitate to give me.

"They are the people I love the most in the universe and whom I can never forget because I even carry them in my blood."May the Lord pour out blessings on each one of you and grant you infinite moments of love and peace. Happy New Year, my family!"

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