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Monday, November 23, 2020

Tendonitis in the Wrist: Know What it is and how to Treat the Problem

Tendonitis in the wrist: know what it is and how to treat the problem

The tendon is a fibrous cord that connects muscles to bones, provides muscle strength, and allows movement. It is in this region that injury can also occur, also known as tendonitis in the wrist. It is a disease that occurs gradually, caused by repetitive efforts.

Want to better understand tendonitis in the wrist? Follow this article!

Main symptoms of tendonitis in the wrist

Tendonitis in the wrist is a disease that interferes intensively in people's lives and the symptoms can cause major impacts on daily life. Among the main symptoms, we can mention:

pain: wrist pain is one of the symptoms that most bothers the patient. It presents due to inflammation in the tendons that are located in the wrist joint. This discomfort can be intensified due to the movement of the hand and can radiate to that member;

redness: redness appears at the time of the inflammatory process. This symptom is common for those with tendinitis in the wrist. Therefore, it is good to observe the intensity of the redness, as the color change is a sign of worsening of the disease;

heat: blood flow is more intensified in the wrist due to inflammation in the affected region, and it is the increase in blood flow that is responsible for the heat that the patient feels in the sick area;

Swell: Swell is usually present around the injured area. The level of swelling happens according to the level of the edema.


The tendon injury can be resolved in several ways to ease the patient's suffering and help cure the disease. For each intensity and context, a type of treatment is indicated. See some.

Orthopedic wrist splint


Physiotherapy is a treatment that, in most cases, is recommended by the patient's doctor. This therapy uses technical stretching and strengthening techniques to treat the injury and prevent the disease from recurring.

On-site massages relieve pain, help with healing, and strengthen tendons. It is essential, however, that the physical therapy treatment is accompanied by an extended period of time, as having this care contributes so that the disease does not develop and reaches a chronic level.

Home Workouts

You can help improve your treatment with some home exercises, home physiotherapy. But it is important to get to know them to help them evolve their situation towards improvement. These are simple exercises that you can do at home or at work.

Sitting, stretch your arm forward, palm up and with the other hand, force your fingers down, providing a stretch. Another way to take care is to exercise the extenders, with the arm extended, close the hand and move it up and down, with the help of the other hand, you force a little so that the exercise has more effect.


Surgery is also an alternative for the treatment of tendonitis in the wrist. The evolution of the disease can cause a thickening of the tendon sheath. The purpose of the procedure is to provide movement of the tendons within the sheath. After surgery, it is necessary to recover the strength of the muscles, reduce pain and swelling through physical therapy.

Having tendonitis in the wrist can be resolved in several ways, such as physical therapy, home exercises, and even with the use of wrist splints. Ortoponto has an orthopedic wrist splint made with quality material. Its use helps in the treatment and recovery of the lesion, providing pain relief and improvement of the inflammatory condition.

Did you like to know more about tendonitis in the wrist and know what care should be taken?.

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