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Monday, November 23, 2020

Feeling pain? See these 5 Physiotherapy Tips at Home

Feeling pain? See these 5 Physiotherapy Tips at Home

Chronic pain - pain that lasts more than 3 months - affects about 37% of Brazilians, according to data released by the Brazilian Society for the Study of Pain (SBED). Therefore, employing some physiotherapy tips at home can be an effective way to deal with the problem.

Physiotherapy is the name given to the health area that aims to prevent, diagnose, and treat situations involving structures such as bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. The main objective is to preserve the integrity of the systems, making them functional again, and returning the patient's quality of life, which decreases with the occurrence of pain.

Do you suffer from pain in some regions such as the spine, elbows, and knees? Check out 5 exercise tips that can relieve symptoms and make your day a lot more productive. Good reading!

1. Take care of your knees

Knee pain is quite common. This is because such structures receive much of the load from our bodies. Therefore, we must take care of them or we can have our mobility severely compromised.

Then the upper leg is pressed so that the knee is stretched. It is important to repeat the exercise at least three times in a row, maintaining the movement for 10 seconds.

2. Condition your spine

It is difficult to find someone who has never suffered from terrible back pain, is it not? Due to the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we pay less and less attention to the situation of our posture while carrying out routine activities. In the long run, this is extremely damaging to the spine.

Therefore, the exercise of pedaling can be a good ally in the treatment and relief of this discomfort, aligning the spine and preparing it for the day that is beginning. It consists of cycling, at least 100 times, in the air every day upon waking up.

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3. Rotate your neck and shoulders

Like back pain, neck and shoulder discomfort is most often caused by the patient's inadequate posture. In addition to doing the exercises for the spine, we can mention simple and powerful physiotherapy tips at home to relieve these symptoms.

Very efficient exercises for these areas consist of rotating them, clockwise and counterclockwise, relaxing the muscles as much as possible. The rotating movement should be done about 10 times in each direction.

4. Relieve ankle load

The ankles are constantly susceptible to injuries and pain, as they hold the patient's entire body weight and are in direct contact with the floor every day. Therefore, taking care of them is essential to avoid future pain and problems.

To strengthen them, it does not take much effort. Just bend them as much as possible, both downwards and upwards, and hold the movement for 5 seconds. Repeat the movement about 10 times so that the area is properly prepared.

5. Take care of your elbows

Finally, pain in the elbows and arms are common complaints. The main reason for this is the repetitive daily effort, especially for people who work excessively in this area, such as cooks, musicians, or individuals who work on the computer.

Stretching this area is very important and can be done with the help of a table. Just place your palm on the surface and push the weight down against it. Hold the movement for about 5 seconds and repeat it at least 10 times every day.

One of the reasons for the success of physical therapy treatments is frequency. Therefore, it is important to perform the exercises every day to observe results and pain relief.

See how easy it is to follow physiotherapy tips at home? It is worth remembering, however, that these exercises are not a substitute for visiting a trusted physiotherapist. He is the only one who can properly assess your case and prescribe the necessary activities for you to recover.

Did you like our article? Want to learn even more? Then check out the article on preventing sports injuries and learn how to stay away from them!


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